The Truth we seek

One may ask, what is Truth? Truth can be said to be that which is in accordance with fact or reality. Anything is True, that is fully realized. All this will come to fruition as you continue to seek the Lord. It may take some time but until He shows you, you cannot fully grasp that Truth you seek. May the Lord prove Himself strong to you in Jesus’ name!

Just Not Alone

I was on my way back home, But then I stumbled on my pride and fell on the way. I know we journeyed together And we would’ve made it back home, But pride led me away into isolation And I hoped I’d be okay… Looks like I wasn’t as strong as I had hoped Maybe…

Lamentations of a Writer

Sometimes it’s so hard to pen down my thoughts, It’s like there’s blockade clogging the stuff in my head and calling the shots It’s like, At night I live At day found dead My limbs had life But I had no head Like a lot of potential encaptured in a seed My feelings were numbed…